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Defeat Tae-Sung, and stop him from harming the spirits

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Defeat Tae-Sung, and stop him from harming the spirits

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat Tae-Sung, and stop him from harming the spirits is a group event that occurs in Zen Daijun Temple. The event starts only at Canthan dusk time, repeated every 25-30 min.


  • Tae-Sung
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time before Tae-Sung escapes: 15:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Arriving at the temple
Tae-Sung: Haven't seen you out here in a long time. So, you finally decided to join me?
Kyung: Nope. Just dropping by to remind you that you're an idiot. Keep your stupid friends out of the village.
Tae-Sung: And I'm going to listen to you because...?
Kyung: Well, we're about to beat the crap out of you. Sure that'll help.
First time Tae-Sung enters the spirit world
Kyung: What a coward! He's hiding in the spirit world. You can't hit him from here.
Kyung: You'll have to go in there and get him. Here, I'll open a path, but hurry!
Kyung: Welcome to the spirit world! Spooky, huh? You should have a clear shot at him now.
Kyung: While you're in there, you might wanna absorb that spirit energy. It'll give you some extra pep!
Kyung: Can't believe he's binding multiple spirits now. You take care of Tae-Sung, I'll pull the spirits away from him.
Kyung: Tae-Sung, let the spirits go! You don't have to do it like this. I can teach you.
Tae-Sung: Please, teach me your ways, oh great master of ritualism. Bestow your wisdom upon me!
Kyung: Gods, I'm trying to help you! Your problem is you think you know everything.
Tae-Sung: Ah, there she is. Sounding more like Mom every day.
Tae-Sung: Think you're so talented, Kyung? That why you're here? Needed someone else to fawn over you?
Kyung: Can we please move past this? I'm sorry Mom was tough on you. But that doesn't excuse this crap you're involved with.
Tae-Sung: I mastered a style of ritualism that you haven't, so of course, you think it's beneath you.
Kyung: You capture spirits and force them to fight for you. Any asshole can "master" that.
On defeating Tae-Sung
Kyung: I know you two didn't exactly get along, but I think Mom was right. You're too stubborn to ever be great.
Tae-Sung: Well, when I'm finished with you, you two can do some catching up. And let her know I did just fine without her.
Kyung: Tell her yourself.
About 5 minutes after successful completion
Kyung: Almost dawn. (yawns) Guess I'll get some rest. Sure my brother'll be back at it soon enough.

Related achievements[edit]

  • Seitung Province.png Seitung Province: Seitung Harbor ShenanigansSuccessfully complete events around Seitung Harbor on Seitung Province. (2Achievement pointsSeveral tier rewards)
  • What Lies Within (achievements).png What Lies Within: Special Ops Basic Course 3Complete the assigned tasks to acquire the Special Ops Pauldrons Locker. (2Achievement pointsSpecial Ops Pauldrons Locker) (Only if the collection is active)
    • To qualify for achievement completion you must use the special action key to cleanse a spirit after phasing into the spirit realm during the fight.