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Protect Koris from the tendrils of Nourys

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Protect Koris from the tendrils of Nourys

Interactive map

Interactive map

Protect Koris from the tendrils of Nourys is level 80 event that occur around Defiled Cradle in Inner Nayos.


  • Tendril Strength
  • Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Koris
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Before the event starts
Koris: I say be quiet. You are not quiet. Why are you not quiet?
Frightened Kryptis: You are not quiet! Quiet yourself!
Brave Kryptis: Don't like hiding. Want to fight!
Koris: No! Quiet! I lead! I say quiet!
Event trigger
Koris: Who are you, noisy one? Why can no one be quiet? We must hide from them!
Talk more option tango.png "Them"?
Shh! Whisper! The ones loyal to the king! You sense them too, no? Soon they will be here!
Talk ready option.png Sounds like you could use some help.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, I need to go.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, I'll leave you to your hiding.
Event start
Koris: They find us! No more quiet. Now we fight!
Frightened Kryptis: Fight?
Event success
Koris: I bring us victory! You are good underlings!
Koris: Stranger, especially. Learn from this stranger. Good order taker!
Koris: Enjoy victory a moment. Ahh... Then, on to the next victory!

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