User:Lady Elyssa/Proto Snapp

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Elementalist icon.png Engineer icon.png Guardian icon.png Mesmer icon.png Necromancer icon.png Ranger icon.png Revenant icon.png Thief icon.png Warrior icon.png
Shelkhar Hannadi Primoire Aurya Whitewalker Hakoob Lady Elyssa Lifa Soldis Grim Moi Miss Elyssa Proto
Pyr the Zealous Shattered Mistress Savant Nom Rata Muse Bjarl of Bjorn
Autumn Cherry
Princess Nenia

Spellbreaker tango icon 48px.png Proto Snapp[edit]

User Lady Elyssa Proto Snapp Portrait.jpg
Scarlet Dye
Graphite Dye
Infernal Dye
Homeland: Rata Sum
Born: 18 September 2013
Hours Played: 490+

College: Dynamics — The College of Dynamics produces gizmo-makers extraordinaire. Energy, enthusiasm, and boldness are our best qualities. We believe in leveraging the expendable nature of all things. If a prototype explodes, it isn't a failure unless the lesson goes unlearned.

Personality: Sulky / Moody / Fun Loving / Ferocious - Threatening violence gets me further than anything else. I'm a natural, though I do try to use my powers of intimidation for good.

Proto was the youngest and smallest of all the Progeny the year she was born and she quickly learned how to get what she wanted. While her adorable face and eyes capture her preys attention she can quickly switch from being seemingly vulnerable and in need of assistance to fighting ferociously to protect her friends and those she cares about. Most of all she likes to have fun and to be around other people where she can get lots of attention.

Her ferocity earned her a place among the Berserkers of Tyria, as despite her relatively small size, albeit large for an Asura, she could cut swathes through all foes in her path.

Proto has not been seen or heard from for quite some time now and was last seen in the company of the Inquest near the labs of Rata Primus. It is uncertain whether she has been recruited or infiltrated the inquest.

Favoured Solo Builds[edit]

Experience.png Beginner Friendly

Level-80 Mentor (map icon).png Currently Equipped Build

Warrior icon small.png Warrior[edit]

Indomitable PS Warrior Experience.png
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Defense specialization.jpg
Shield Master.png
Defy Pain (warrior trait).png
Last Stand.png
Thick Skin.png
Dogged March.png
Adrenal Health.png
Resilient Roll.png
Hardened Armor.png
Cleansing Ire.png
Cull the Weak.png
Merciless Hammer.png
Stalwart Strength.png
Tactics specialization.jpg
Leg Specialist.png
Warrior's Cunning.png
Martial Cadence.png
Marching Orders (trait).png
Soldier's Comfort.png
Shrug It Off.png
Mending Might.png
Vigorous Shouts.png
Roaring Reveille.png
Empower Allies.png
Phalanx Strength.png

The Indomitable Warrior has excellent self sustain through strong self heals gained whenever you apply Might to yourself or nearby allies and when using or hitting with a Burst skill.

Warrior icon small.png Adrenaline + Burst

Soldier's Focus.png Soldier's Focus

  • Hitting with a Burst skill expends Soldier's Focus to grant Might to nearby allies.

Healing.png Healing

Might.png Might

Regeneration.png Regen


Guild Registrar (map icon).png Basic Rotation Example

Axe + Axe

Guild Registrar (map icon).png Expanded Rotation Example

Eviscerating Axes
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Arms specialization.jpg
Berserker's Fury.png
Unsuspecting Foe.png
Burst Precision.png
Precise Strikes.png
Signet Mastery.png
Deep Strikes.png
Rending Strikes.png
Dual Wielding.png
Discipline specialization.jpg
Crack Shot.png
Doubled Standards.png
Axe Mastery.png
Versatile Rage.png
Warrior's Sprint.png
Fast Hands.png
Destruction of the Empowered.png
Versatile Power.png
Heightened Focus.png
Stalwart Focus.png
Brawler's Recovery.png
Burst Mastery.png

Warrior icon small.png Adrenaline + Burst

Damage.png Damage Modifiers

  • Strength: Berserker's Power Increased burst damage based on Adrenaline: +7%, +14%, +21%

Might.png Might

Fury.png Fury

Vulnerability.png Vulnerability


Guild Registrar (map icon).png Rotation Example

Axe + Mace
Weapon Swap Button.png Weapon Swap

Berserker icon small.png Berserker[edit]

Indomitable Power Berserker Experience.png
Build Template


Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Defense specialization.jpg
Shield Master.png
Defy Pain (warrior trait).png
Last Stand.png
Thick Skin.png
Dogged March.png
Adrenal Health.png
Resilient Roll.png
Hardened Armor.png
Cleansing Ire.png
Cull the Weak.png
Merciless Hammer.png
Stalwart Strength.png
Berserker specialization.jpg
Smash Brawler.png
Blood Reaction.png
Bloody Roar.png
Primal Rage.png
Last Blaze.png
Burst of Aggression.png
Heat the Soul.png
Fatal Frenzy.png
King of Fires.png
Savage Instinct.png
Dead or Alive.png
Eternal Champion.png

The Indomitable Berserker has excellent self sustain through strong self heals gained whenever you grant Might to yourself. Through Blood Reckoning that allows you to heal for a percentage of your outgoing damage and whenever Adrenaline is spent.

Primal Rage.png Primal Rage

Healing.png Healing

  • Heal: Blood Reckoning - Heal for a percentage of your outgoing damage (5secs)

Might.png Might

Spellbreaker icon small.png Spellbreaker[edit]

Indomitable Spellbreaker Experience.png
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Tactics specialization.jpg
Leg Specialist.png
Warrior's Cunning.png
Martial Cadence.png
Marching Orders (trait).png
Soldier's Comfort.png
Shrug It Off.png
Mending Might.png
Vigorous Shouts.png
Roaring Reveille.png
Empower Allies.png
Phalanx Strength.png
Spellbreaker specialization.jpg
Pure Strike (trait).png
Loss Aversion.png
Enchantment Collapse.png
Spellbreaker's Conviction.png
Guard Counter.png
Dispelling Force.png
Slow Counter.png
Attacker's Insight.png
Revenge Counter.png
No Escape.png
Sun and Moon Style.png
Magebane Tether.png

The Indomitable Spellbreaker has excellent self sustain through strong self heals gained whenever you apply Might to yourself or nearby allies.

Soldier's Focus.png Soldier's Focus

  • Hitting with a Burst skill expends Soldier's Focus to grant Might to nearby allies.

Healing.png Healing

Might.png Might

Regeneration.png Regen

Guild Registrar (map icon).png Basic Rotation Example

Dagger + Dagger
Dual Dagger / Greatsword Signet Spellbreaker Level-80 Mentor (map icon).png
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Discipline specialization.jpg
Crack Shot.png
Doubled Standards.png
Axe Mastery.png
Versatile Rage.png
Warrior's Sprint.png
Fast Hands.png
Destruction of the Empowered.png
Versatile Power.png
Heightened Focus.png
Stalwart Focus.png
Brawler's Recovery.png
Burst Mastery.png
Spellbreaker specialization.jpg
Pure Strike (trait).png
Loss Aversion.png
Enchantment Collapse.png
Spellbreaker's Conviction.png
Guard Counter.png
Dispelling Force.png
Slow Counter.png
Attacker's Insight.png
Revenge Counter.png
No Escape.png
Sun and Moon Style.png
Magebane Tether.png

Dagger Proficiency.png Dagger Proficiency

Healing.png Healing

  • Strength: Might Makes Right Gain health and endurance when you apply Might to yourself.

Might.png Might

Fury.png Fury

Defiance Immunity2.png Condi Cleanse

Unshakable.png Crowd Control


Guild Registrar (map icon).png Basic Rotation Example

Dagger + Dagger
Furious Axes Spellbreaker
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Discipline specialization.jpg
Crack Shot.png
Doubled Standards.png
Axe Mastery.png
Versatile Rage.png
Warrior's Sprint.png
Fast Hands.png
Destruction of the Empowered.png
Versatile Power.png
Heightened Focus.png
Stalwart Focus.png
Brawler's Recovery.png
Burst Mastery.png
Spellbreaker specialization.jpg
Pure Strike (trait).png
Loss Aversion.png
Enchantment Collapse.png
Spellbreaker's Conviction.png
Guard Counter.png
Dispelling Force.png
Slow Counter.png
Attacker's Insight.png
Revenge Counter.png
No Escape.png
Sun and Moon Style.png
Magebane Tether.png

Dagger Proficiency.png Dagger Proficiency

Might.png Might

Fury.png Fury

Vulnerability.png Vulnerability

Guild Registrar (map icon).png Rotation Example

Dual Axes
Weapon Swap Button.png Weapon Swap
Dagger + Dagger
Defensive Strength Spellbreaker
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Discipline specialization.jpg
Crack Shot.png
Doubled Standards.png
Axe Mastery.png
Versatile Rage.png
Warrior's Sprint.png
Fast Hands.png
Destruction of the Empowered.png
Versatile Power.png
Heightened Focus.png
Stalwart Focus.png
Brawler's Recovery.png
Burst Mastery.png
Spellbreaker specialization.jpg
Pure Strike (trait).png
Loss Aversion.png
Enchantment Collapse.png
Spellbreaker's Conviction.png
Guard Counter.png
Dispelling Force.png
Slow Counter.png
Attacker's Insight.png
Revenge Counter.png
No Escape.png
Sun and Moon Style.png
Magebane Tether.png

Dagger Proficiency.png Dagger Proficiency

Might.png Might

Fury.png Fury

Vulnerability.png Vulnerability

Guild Registrar (map icon).png Rotation Example

Note: Inspired by Lord Hizen's Best Spellbreaker For Open World PVE.

Bladesworn icon small.png Bladesworn[edit]

Indomitable Bladesworn Experience.png
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Tactics specialization.jpg
Leg Specialist.png
Warrior's Cunning.png
Martial Cadence.png
Marching Orders (trait).png
Soldier's Comfort.png
Shrug It Off.png
Mending Might.png
Vigorous Shouts.png
Roaring Reveille.png
Empower Allies.png
Phalanx Strength.png
Bladesworn specialization.jpg
River's Flow.png
Unshakable Mountain.png
Immortal Dragon.png
Gun X Sword.png
Swift as the Wind.png
Dragonscale Defense.png
Fierce as Fire.png
Guns and Glory.png
Unyielding Dragon.png
Unseen Sword.png
Lush Forest.png
Daring Dragon.png

The Indomitable Bladesworn excellent self sustain through strong self heals gained whenever you apply Might to yourself or nearby allies coupled with a big burst heal from Dragon Slash courtesy of Bladesworn: Immortal Dragon.

Soldier's Focus.png Soldier's Focus

  • Hitting with a Burst skill expends Soldier's Focus to grant Might to nearby allies.

Healing.png Healing

Might.png Might


Guild Registrar (map icon).png Rotation Example

Favoured Group Builds[edit]

Map Completion Builds[edit]

Core Power Warrior
Strength specialization.jpg
Death from Above.png
Body Blow.png
Berserker's Power.png
Reckless Dodge.png
Restorative Strength.png
Building Momentum.png
Forceful Greatsword.png
Stick and Move.png
Distracting Strikes.png
Peak Performance.png
Great Fortitude.png
Aggressive Onslaught.png
Tactics specialization.jpg
Leg Specialist.png
Warrior's Cunning.png
Martial Cadence.png
Marching Orders (trait).png
Soldier's Comfort.png
Shrug It Off.png
Mending Might.png
Vigorous Shouts.png
Roaring Reveille.png
Empower Allies.png
Phalanx Strength.png
Discipline specialization.jpg
Crack Shot.png
Doubled Standards.png
Axe Mastery.png
Versatile Rage.png
Warrior's Sprint.png
Fast Hands.png
Destruction of the Empowered.png
Versatile Power.png
Heightened Focus.png
Stalwart Focus.png
Brawler's Recovery.png
Burst Mastery.png

Warrior icon small.png Adrenaline + Burst

Damage.png Damage Modifiers

  • Strength: Peak Performance - Physical Skills increase strike damage by 5%
  • Strength: Berserker's Power Increased burst damage based on Adrenaline: +10%, +15%, +21%
  • Tactics: Empowered - Deal +1% strike damage for each boon on you
  • Tactics: Warrior's Cunning - Deal +25% strike damage to foes above 80% health
  • Discipline: Crack Shot - Rifle weapons skill #1 do =10% damage
  • Discipline: Burst Mastery - Burst skills do 7% more damage

Might.png Might

Fury.png Fury

Vulnerability.png Vulnerability


Guild Registrar (map icon).png Basic Rotation Example

Use F1: Kill Shot whenever Adrenaline is full

Additonal Information[edit]

Warrior icon small.png Table of warrior combo skills

Swiftness / Movement Skills[edit]

  • Swiftness from Signet of Rage.
  • Bull's Charge.
  • GS 3: Whirlwind Attack.
  • GS 5: Rush can be buggy depending on terrain leading to shortened distances or running in place.


  • Stances like Endure Pain
  • Dolyak Signet provides an additional 180 Toughness
  • Blocks, Stun, Daze, Knockdown, Knockback.

Defiance Immunity2.png Condi Cleanse[edit]

  • Heal: Mending (Warrior) / Natural Healing (Spellbreaker).
  • Utility: Signet of Stamina, “Shake it Off!”
  • Traits: Discipline - Brawler’s Recovery, Defense - Cleansing Ire, Tactics - Quick Breathing (Warhorn) / Shrug It Off, Berserker - Savage Instinct.

Unshakable.png Crowd Control[edit]


  • 4 - Staggering Blow
  • 5 - Backbreaker
  • Burst: Earthshaker


  • 3 - Pommel Bash
  • 5 - Tremor
  • Burst: Skull Crack


  • 5 - Rifle Butt


  • 4 - Shield Bash

Utility Skills

  • “Fear Me!”, Kick, Stomp, Bull’s Charge
  • Berserker Only: Wild Blow
  • Spellbreaker Only: Imminent Threat

Elite Skills

  • Rampage
  • Berserker Only: Bloody Roar Trait, Head Butt
  • Spellbreaker Only: Full Counter

Note: Signets can be replaced with Banners when part of a group.

  • Signet of Might can be replaced with Banner of Strength.
  • Signet of Fury can be replaced with Banner of Discipline.

Open World PvE Builds for Warrior can be viewed here
